I finally have a whole weekend off for once instead of working.
Rebecca's has been doing well she is constantly getting bigger out front as is expected, her appetite has finally returned and now she is starting to eat quiet a lot at times.
Rebecca has been sleeping well mostly except for some nights like last night every now and then she develops this sore shoulder I think its maybe just a certain position that she lies on it for an amount of time and it gets sore so it frustrates her as she can not sleep. She cant sleep on her belly because its too big and baby peanut does not like her sleeping on her back as he moves around a lot and she is having trouble getting comfortable on her side, so she had a frustrating night and if there is one thing about Rebecca you don't want to experience that's when she has had no sleep.
Watched Collingwood defeat the reigning premiers Port Adelaide last night it was a great game for Collingwood to win. The magpies had 6 players under 21 and two 21 year olds in the team so all looks good for the future.
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