Once again Rebecca had to be out of bed early, well early for her anyway 8am so we could be at the Gippsland base Hospital by9am for our class.
There where 12 couples in all eager to soak up any new information about the who pregnancy/birth situation that they could.
We quickly did a little introduction of ourselves to the group as everyone had too the general consensus from the males was that they where made to come by there partners, I find that hard to believe NOT!.
The Midwife who was leading the day started off by talking about and showing us with a model of the pelvis region who the baby is born, different positions the baby sits in, birthing position and where the placenta sits. By now it was about 10.30 and we had a break had a drink and something to eat.
the groups separated and we headed for the physio, I was standing there rubbing Rebecca's back and two of the other pregnant women said I was well trained and wanted my services, you see Rebecca I am a good boyfriend.
The physio showed the girls a couple of different techniques of how to strengthen there pelvic floor muscles, and then showed us guys how to give a good massage but the physio said I was already doing a good job, yes brownie points for Mark!. The physio showed us positions that will hopefully be comfortable during labor. For me this was the best part of the day as I got to learn new stuff that I did not know.
Our group was then taken up to the labor ward where we where shown a baby getting bathed he was little only about 5 pounds he was born at 35 weeks. We then where shown the rooms where the baby will be born most importantly for me there is a recliner and TV in there.
we talked about the who would be in the room what the procedure is once the baby is born, what you can bring what the hospital has.
Most disappointing to me was the fact that you cant donate stem cells for stem cell research as the hospital does not have these facilities which I think is a great shame, Stem cell research is very important these days in finding cures for disease like parkinsons and diabetes. All hospitals should have these facilities.
We headed back for some lunch of sandwiches,quiche and salad.
O.k morning gone now lets see if I can get through the afternoon without falling to sleep. Our midwife now took us through the stages of pregnancy, what to expect, when to come to the hospital different pain relieving methods.
A lady from the breastfeeding association now had a talk for about 30 minutes on the pro's of breastfeeding, but as Rebecca says not all mothers can breastfeed so we think they should have also talked about bottle feeding.
that finished up the day at about 3.30 pm and we have to go back on Tuesday night to finish the class with some more discussions about other topics like circumcision, which we found out that there is some doctors who work at the hospital who do it so if we decide too we can have it done.
what do other parents think about circumcision give me your thoughts
personally i am against circumsision. it is completly un-needed.
Personally I am against circumcision. In my area it is not widely done, so doctors are not practiced at it as they use to be....thats kinda scarey!
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