Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Mum and Daughter Update!

Rebecca and Willow are both doing fine now that they have both had some sleep. Rebecca looks like being sent home tomorrow which coincides with me starting 2 weeks holidays which will give me some time to spend with my beautiful daughter.

The breastfeeding was not going all that well in the first couple of days Rebecca has had to express milk for Willow and be topped up with milk formula but this morning she seemed to be getting enough milk which made both Willow and Mum a lot more cheerful.

Rebecca and Willow had there photo taken for the local baby section of the paper today so I cant wait to see it on Friday. I am still pretty tired as well the last few days seem like a blur of hospital visits and work with a little sleep thrown in to tease me, but I would not swap it for the world she is our daughter and she is beautiful not to mention she is the apple of all our families lives she is the grand child on both side's of the families and is constantly getting visitors .

1 comment:

Angie said...

I am glad to know everything is well. Even after a couple of babies the breastfeeding takes a little work in the beginning. I am glad she hung in with it. Have a great 2 weeks with your girls.
