I'm thinking its about time that this baby showed itself and we can get on with it!.Only 2 weeks till the due date.
Once upon a time pre Rebecca and willow i used to play alot of Golf and i was very good at it I won two Maffra Golf Club Championships and played off a handicap of 4. Recently i had been thinking about taking it up again so last week i went up to the course and submitted a membership application. I will be a member again in 4 weeks time and i am really looking forward to playing some golf. I have been hitting some balls on the practice fairway this week trying to find my swing groove. First off i had to buy some golf balls and shoes. Its amazing some of the deals you can find on the net these days. I bought a pair of shoes for $39 dollars a hundred dollars off which was great.
I have someone coming to look at my car today which would be great if they buy it as then i can get my fathers old car. That would be much easier having a 4 door car for Rebecca and the kids.
Willow is doing really well she is growing up so fast and she talks so well and is very smart. Her toilet training is going well, she is very happy to do wee in the toilet but not happy doing poo she wants a nappy for it. Anyone got any suggestions how to fix this. She has even started waking up in the night asking to go toilet instead of doing it in her nappy.She seems excited about having a new brother or sister.
On the work front i may have a job working in the old Horizon store where i used to work in the 90's which will be ok but its from 5pm till 12.15 am so night work but hay a man has to do what he can to make a dollar .Its 36.15 hours a week which will be good till i can find something better but its hard to find something around here thats better.
Here is hoping next time i blog there will be a new Wyld to tell you all about and a short labour would be good this time instead of a 17 hour one and those dirty bastards at the hospital have banned smoking anywhere on the premises so i will have to run out the front in the car park to have one. Once again our doctor will probably be away he is in South America at a medical conference, yeah right i say he is just holidying
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