Monday, December 05, 2005


The Christmas party was ok the food once again was average its the 2nd year we have been to this place and hopefully wont have to go again but one of the workers dad is the cook. The free alcohol is always the highlight to any x-mas party and the Scotch and Kahula where flowing freely. We left at about 10.30 pm as we had to pick Willow up from her nana's.

I actually did some gardening yesterday I am maijng a garden bed to grow a creeper down near the BBQ area in the back yard I bought home some damaged bedheads from work just silver metal ones and I have put them in the ground and hopefully the creeper will grow all over them and cover them in.

Willow is starting to become very vocal if you talk directly to her and she is watching and listening she will make noises back to you its amazing and as her father it melts my heart when she tries to talk to me I say to Rebecca I cant wait for her to talks nd Rebecca says yeah now but when she is asking a 100 questions you will wish she would shut up and she is probably right.

Christmas is fast approaching and I have just finished buying all my Christmas presents, I bought all but 1 online this year its just easier to buy of Ebay, Amazon and Dstore if you know what you are looking for a nd a lot of the time its cheaper online.

1 comment:

K said...

wow! good on you for being so organized... are you spoiling youir daughter on her first Christmas?

I would love to shop eBay, but tell me, do you worry that what you bought will not be sent to you?

I am not sure how it works but would love to find some deals!