Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Well we went down 2-0 to Brazil which was a respectable score and we should have possible beaten then we had more of the play and more chances at goal but the umpires where defiantly on brazil's side our foul count was more than double Brazils but hopefully we will still qualify with a win over Croatia tomorrow morning Australian time.

I don't know whats got into my daughter but any sleeping pattern she had has gone right out the window the last few nights. Sunday night she goes to bed around nine wakes up at 11 and then goes back to sleep around 5am which was lucky for me as I was sitting up watching the soccer anyway, then the same Monday night went to sleep at 9 was awake at 12 and not back to sleep till 4 am needles to say her mummy was very tired. Willow does not have an afternoon sleep like many children and is lucky to have a morning sleep and that's not by choice I can tell you if we could get her to sleep during the day it would be heaven but not so.

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