Wednesday, December 12, 2007

( David and Willow at Stratford Station when david was Leaving)

Well christmas is moving closer every day and we went and di all our Christmas shopping for everyone yesterday but we will still probably pick up few more little things for willow in the coming days. Rebecca and i bought tickets to Bon Jovi earlier this month as our Christmas presents. They are on in Melbourne on 19 January so it should be good i have watched them 2 other times and they where one of the best live bands i have seen mind you that was in 1988 and 1991 so a far while ago when they where in the prime.

Rebecca went for an ultra sound the other day and there is only one baby in there thank goodness for that you would have herd my scream world wide if there had of been 2 in there.The doctor tells us it will be due around 21 june next year.

We went to a playgroup Christmas bbq on Sunday night which was quiet good fun as i know all the girls through taking willow to play group but don't often see the dad's and one i have never meet before but it was fun the women congregated inside while us men took up the challenge of a game of back yard cricket until we lost both balls to some big hitting that sent them flying over fences. So a good time was had by all and we will have everyone around here soon for a bbq.

Our friends Scott and Rachel are coming up to Seaspray after christmas for a few days so we will head down there and catch up with them and have a few drinks well i will anyway but not poor Rebecca. It will be good to catch up with them as i have only seen Scott once since our engagement once and have not seen Rachel at all ( yes Rach i know you read this).

everyone wish me luck i have a job interview today.

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