Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I have been constantly working at the Service Station which is good for the bank balance but its a boring old job standing behind the counter all day asking is that Eftpos or cash as that savings or credit. Ah well could be worse could be making no money i guess.

Rebecca is down to working 3 shifts at McDonalds and will be finishing up at the end of march. The 8 hours shifts she works really take it out of her. Some of the people she works with are real pains in the arse and try and make her do more than she can they still expect her to lift milk create's and stuff like that.The restaurant manager AJ did ask Rebecca the other day when she comes back does she want to be a full time manager but i dont think Rebecca is that keen to return there.

After seeing Bon Jovi in concert Rebecca has decided that she would like to see Matchbox20 so when have tickets to see them at Rod Laver arena in melbourne on the 24 April so that should be good. I think a trip to Ikea on the way will be in store.

Willow is nearly out of wearing nappies she wears undies during the day and a nappy at night when she goes to bed. She has been really good and tells us she needs to do wee's and off to the toilet we go.

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